
In this section I have collected jewelry of various kinds.


Silver 925, circular spirit level, diameter 16 mm

Have you lost your balance? No problem: just move the air bubble to the center of the small spirit level, and you will be well-balanced again!

Kugel-Rot und Würfel-Silber

(spheric red and cubic silver)
Coral necklace
Silver 925, coral, steel cable, diameter 15.5 cm

This necklace "lives" from the contrast between the 18 matt-red, spherical coral beads and the shiny silver cube, which forms the clasp. The unpolished beads (diameter 22 mm) are mounted on a thin steel cable, together with tiny lens-shaped spacers of silver. The clasp consists of two U-shaped silver parts, which - when slid into each other - form a cube. Two magnets inside the cube keep it locked.


Silver 925, diameter 7.5 cm

The bangle consists of five rhomboid, angled parts with textile embossing (roller blind strap). They are connected by oblique hinges between each two rhombus sides, giving the bracelet both form constancy (pentagon) and some elasticity.


Silver 925, 7.5 cm x 6.5 cm

The raw form was cut from a block of wax and cast in solid silver by Brogioli (Schaffhausen). The final shape of the bangle was produced entirely by working on the raw cast only. In spite of its elegance, Ulna has a somewhat archaic and defiant appearance, precisely like an arm bone (Ulna) forcibly bent round. Traces of wear and tear show that the bangle is worn daily in spite of the considerable weight of 130 g.


Silver 925, max. diameter 6.5 cm

A tapered silver rod was forcibly twisted several times in both directions. The elegant helix on one end of the bangle is in sharp contrast with the solid block at the other end.


Ear ornament
Silver 925, diameter 30 mm

This ear ornament is not fixed to the ear lobe but is hinged to the lower part of the ear conch. Thereby, the ear lobe is surrounded by the matt-finished silverball: it is contained and protected by it. Lobothek is worn unilaterally.


Silver 925 or 3d-printed in black resin, diameter 25-27 mm

In spite of the menacing thorns on the inside, wearing this ring is quite comfortable. This is because the twelfe thorns distribute the pressure on the finger equally, in the same way as the multitude of nails of a fakir's nail bed prevents the fakirs body from pain.
Fakir comes in different versions: in silver or black resin (3D printed), ringband profile on the outside rounded or with a ridge.


(penitent ring)
Silver 925 partly oxydized, plexiglass

The "Penitent ring" is an alternative interpretation of the "Fakir" motive. Whereas the outside of a Fakir ring is plain, Eve's snake with the apple in its mouth, a symbol for the original sin, coils around the Pentintent ring. Sinners must wear this ring with the extra pointed thorns for seven days ...


Pendant, object
Silver 925 (oxydized), Glas, golden acrylic paint, artificial eyelashes
2.5 cm x 2.5 cm x 4 cm

Contribution to a touring exhibition (in D and CH, starting in 2021) by the "Forum für Schmuck und Design" (ffsd.de) on the theme "2020 - a special year".

My jewel expresses feelings that many of us experienced during the Covid19 pandemy during lockdown, in quarantine or in isolation. One must or should stay home. Home is cozy, the fridge is well stocked, unread books are piling up, even a little artist's workshop is available, i.e. nothing essential for survival is missing. But eventually home turns out to be a golden cage, one feels locked in, anxiety may arise. There is a strong yearning to get out, for company, for stimulation, for normality.

The pendant is composed of two concentrically arranged basic geometrical forms, a cube and a sphere. Metallic gray on the outside, the cube both repels and protects. The golden inside signals safety and comfort. One side of the cube is folded open to allow both to gaze out and to look in. The cube houses a little glass eye carrying artificial eye lashes, an eye which sends a longing look outside.

The pendant "Sehnsucht" is best worn on a long, thin silver chain allowing free rotation for variable views in and out. Alternatively, place it on your desk as miniature sculpture.


Silver 925, magnetic compass, diameter 22 mm

The Navigator and the previously presented Equilibrium ring (see link below) complement one another perfectly. Once you have found your base thanks to Equilibrium, the Navigator lets you define your target bearing at all times.


Das blaue Wunder

(The blue marvel)
Ring, silver 925, heat stained steel ball (12 mm)

A while ago, I had bought beautiful, large blue-grey pearl, which I finally wanted to mount on a ring. The elegant curved shape of the ring was designed to showcase and celebrate the precious pearl. When preparing the pearl for the already finished setting I made a serious mistake, and the pearl was ruined! What should I do? In my fundus of materials I found a number of steel balls with exactly the same diameter as the pearl. Using my gas torch, I tinted a few of with heat (temper coloring), and mounted the best one on the ring. Thus, instead of the genuine precious pearl, the ring celebrates a mere piece of practically worthless although quite beautiful steel.